How can we streamline the data pipeline behind the Affordable Housing dashboard?
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Project Overview
San Antonio’s Affordable Housing dashboard is a visualization of what the City and its partners are doing to meet local affordable housing needs. The dashboard includes a mapped inventory of all affordable housing, and it's searchable by provider, housing type, council district, funding source, and more.
The goal for this project was to automate the data aggregating process to improve the accuracy, precision, and currency of the data compilation while reducing the processing time and labor.
The goal of this project was to develop an automated process of merging the affordable housing data from multiple sources to the dashboard created by ITSD (Information & Technology Services Department) for display to the public. By developing an automated method, data can be compiled from various partner organizations into one pipeline so that the information can be readily displayed on the dashboard.
Due to challenges with cross-partner platform access and licensing, this pilot was pivoted. You can read the full report here.
Further exploration of possible solutions is ongoing with City of San Antonio ITSD.
Project Team

Sara Wamsley
Affordable Housing Administrator
City of San Antonio

Dr. David Han
Alvarez College of Business
University of Texas at San Antonio

Allison Beaver
Housing Policy Manager
City of San Antonio