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Which messenger - City vs. San Antonio Food Bank - drives higher engagement with emails and surveys?

Project ended: June 30, 2021
Department or Agency: Economic Development Department, San Antonio Food Bank

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Economic DevelopmentGovernment Operations

Project Overview


The City sent 39,421 residents an email from one of two (randomly assigned) messengers—the City or the San Antonio Food Bank—to ask them to share feedback about City Hall to Go in a survey. The City wanted to learn which messenger drives higher engagement with emails and surveys.

Residents who received the City’s email were 36% more likely to open it, twice as likely to click through, and twice as likely to complete the survey than those receiving the Food Bank’s email. Results within subgroups (gender, race, ethnicity, age) mirror the overall results except for Spanish-speaking residents.​ Both email senders performed equally among Spanish-speaking residents. While email open rates were much lower (overall, 28% Spanish vs. 40% English), survey response rates were similar.​

Planned use of results

  • Inform future campaigns that will improve reach, cost-savings and equitable outcomes.

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

Laura Katz

Senior Advisor

Behavioral Insights Team

Project Team

Laura Katz

Senior Advisor

Behavioral Insights Team

Micah Melia


Behavioral Insights Team

City of San Antonio Economic Development Department

San Antonio Food Bank

Office of Innovation

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