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How can we increase response rates for the 311 customer service satisfaction survey?

Project ended: October 12, 2022
Department or Agency: 311 Customer Service Office

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Government Operations

Project Overview


311 helps residents improve city neighborhoods by empowering them to report non-emergency related issues like potholes, graffiti, animal cruelty, and more suing the phone, a mobile app, or a web app. The customer service office has a survey that asks 311 users how satisfied they were with the 311 experience. This feedback helps the 311 office improve their services.

This trial consisted of updating two main 311 mechanisms: 1) the 311 email and subscription process; and 2) the customer service satisfaction survey. First, the project team reviewed the proposed email and subscription process shared by the 311 Customer Service Office and provided feedback/suggestions for how some minor changes may help increase the response rates of the customer service satisfaction survey. Next, they reviewed the existing customer service satisfaction survey and identified several areas for improvements. The team provided a proposed revised version of the survey, conducted four focus groups to solicit feedback on the revised survey, and then incorporated that feedback to create a final revised customer service satisfaction survey approved by the 311 Call Center. This project also provided student engagement and support—involving the participation of a UTSA undergraduate student.


  • Suggestions and comments for the new email content
  • A revised Customer Service Satisfaction Survey – 311 Call Center
  • Feedback from focus groups
  • Final Report

Planned use of results

  • The results from the focus group were used to create a revised customer service satisfaction survey
  • The revised customer service satisfaction survey will be used to get feedback from future 311 callers
  • The feedback from the new customer service satisfaction survey will be used to enhance the 311 office’s performance of their services

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

Paula X. Stallcup

Director, 311 Customer Service

City of San Antonio

Project Team

Paula X. Stallcup

Director, 311 Customer Service

City of San Antonio

Dr. Wenbo Wu

Alvarez College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Pamela Smith

Alvarez College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Ying Huang

College for Health, Community and Policy, University of Texas at San Antonio

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This portal is part of a pilot initiative to support applied research partnerships. If you have ideas for how to further improve it, please let us know!