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How can we measure the effectiveness of small business development and support programs?

Project ended: April 15, 2023
Department or Agency: Economic Development Department

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Economic Development

Project Overview


The Economic Development Department (EDD) is seeking to create a survey to better understand and track the short and long-term economic impact and overall effectiveness of programs administered through the City’s business development organization (BDO) partners by way of its annual contract. The Business Development Organization partners in agreement with EDD include San Antonio for Growth on the Eastside (SAGE), Prosper West and Southside First. The targeted audience for this survey will include small business owners who are specifically assisted by the three participating BDOs. This will help the City of San Antonio see program pitfalls as well as positive outcomes in the community.

The work to develop the survey will include meetings with the Economic Development Department and partner organizations. Current contractual agreements require that BDOs survey program participants at intervals of six (6), eighteen (18) and thirty-six (36) months after business owner completion of identified programs.

The goals, desired outcomes, performance metrics and targets have already been established in the agreements and will be expanded on in a Q&A session.

Following is an example:

  • Goal: Coordinated and sustainable small business ecosystem
  • Outcome: Improved economic resiliency, well-being and opportunity for growth
  • Performance Metrics: Number of businesses that report increased awareness of business programs and resources
  • Target: 75% of businesses provided technical assistance reported satisfaction by the services provided to them

Another example would be:

  • Goal: Support for Placemaking Efforts and Identify Future Opportunities
  • Outcome: Strengthened connection between people and places
  • Performance Metrics: Number of businesses participating in BDO events reporting an increase in client engagement
  • Target: 75% of businesses participating in a BDO Program reported an increase in client engagement and retention.


A survey based on the goals, outcomes, performance metrics and targets indicated in agreements between the City of San Antonio and the business development organizations.


Funding is available, amount to be determined.

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

City of San Antonio Economic Development Department

Project Team

Dr. David Han

Alvarez College of Business

University of Texas at San Antonio

Ms. Celeste Diaz Ferraro

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Texas at San Antonio

Mr. Ethan Woods

Undergraduate Research Assistant

University of Texas at San Antonio

City of San Antonio Economic Development Department

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