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How is social emotional learning curriculum being implemented by local school districts?

Department or Agency: San Antonio Metropolitan Health District

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Children & TeensEducation

Project Overview


Project Worth is a City of San Antonio Metro Health program that promotes health and well-being among San Antonio youth through education, collaboration, and empowerment.

Project Worth has and is currently working with schools in implementing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum. The Program is seeking a better understanding of the opportunities and disparities exist for School Districts to implement SEL.

The purpose of this evaluation is to have a side-by-side comparison of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum and offerings of 11 school Districts in San Antonio ISD (SAISD, NEISD, NISD, Edgewood, South San Antonio ISD, East Central ISD, Harlandale ISD, Southwest ISD, South Side ISD, Fort Sam Houston, Judson).

Anticipated deliverables

  1. A report providing side-by-side comparison of each ISD and the SEL curriculum and offerings.
  2. Conduct District interviews to understand if SEL implementation is District determined or left to each school to select.
  3. Narrative report to include method of evaluation, key informant interviews, findings of each ISD that address the following questions:
  • Identify by District the SEL curriculum used, and Point of contact for each District.
  • Who is it offered to? All children all grades? Percent of students that receive SEL
  • How is it implemented?
  • What is the District’s SEL Goals and Benchmarks, how frequently evaluated?
  • What are the barriers in implementation?
  • What staff receive SEL training to administer curriculum?
  • What role do Administrative and support staff have in SEL activities?
  • Has the district completed an assessment of their schools SEL development needs of students?
  • How does the Districts provide SEL messages to the home? If District does not do this do, is this each school’s decision?
  • Districts collaboration or limitations with community partners to implement SEL
  • Suspensions, attendance rates, mental health resources available to youth, rate of promotions to next grade, improvements in academics, improvements in behavior.
  • Describe the type of SEL engagement opportunities available to all students.


Funding is available.

The project is in progress.

We plan to post results and deliverables when the project is complete. In the meantime, we welcome questions about the project.

Project point of contact

Jenna Wallace

R&D Coordinator

Office of Innovation

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