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Can sensors on City vehicles identify and collect real-time data on the City’s infrastructure and areas of service needed?

Project ended: July 7, 2021
Department or Agency: Public Works Department

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Streets And SidewalksTechnology

Project Overview


Sensors were retrofitted onto a Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) truck to test the reliability, usefulness, and efficiency of utilizing sensors on city vehicles to proactively plan pothole repair routes. This was a starting point for over 30 potential infrastructure use cases. SwRI’s camera/lidar platform is reliable and low-cost compared to emerging vendor solutions other cities are dependent on.

The sensor platform has been tested and adjusted to include a more user-friendly, one-button solution for SWMD drivers & more precise cameras for informing AI algorithms. Not enough potholes were available to build robust AI algorithms, so the focus for a further phase will be on identifying the next use case(s) and testing whether SWMD jeeps will be a more efficient/effective mobile sensor platform than garbage trucks.


  • Algorithms that detect potholes and road degradation on San Antonio roads.
  • Final Report.

Planned use of results

  • Reduce calls to 311 service.
  • Create efficiencies.
  • Identify neglected areas of town where there are issues that no one is calling about and/or help inform allocation of resources.

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

Dan Rossiter

Assistant Program Manager of Research & Development

Southwest Research Institute

Project Team

Dan Rossiter

Assistant Program Manager of Research & Development

Southwest Research Institute

Razi Housseini

Director/City Engineer

San Antonio Public Works Department

Office of Innovation

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This portal is part of a pilot initiative to support applied research partnerships. If you have ideas for how to further improve it, please let us know!