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Do incentives like gift bags result in higher participation in workshops hosted by City departments?

Project ended: June 30, 2021
Department or Agency: Parks and Recreation, Neighborhood and Housing Services Department

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Government OperationsParksPublic Safety

Project Overview


This trial attempted to test whether prizes would incentivize higher participation in workshops hosted by the Parks and Neighborhood and Services Department to promote summer safety. The City of San Antonio tested two different messages – one with a gift bag prize, one without – that were sent to over 1900 residents and community groups throughout the city via email. This trial did not yield statistically relevant findings, however, the outcomes did provide insights that will inform future trials.

Planned use of results

  • Inform future campaigns that will improve reach, cost-savings and equitable outcomes.

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

Laura Katz

Senior Advisor

Behavioral Insights Team

Project Team

Laura Katz

Senior Advisor

Behavioral Insights Team

Micah Melia


Behavioral Insights Team

City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation

City of San Antonio Neighborhood and Housing Services Department

Office of Innovation

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This portal is part of a pilot initiative to support applied research partnerships. If you have ideas for how to further improve it, please let us know!